Come and take part in one of these modules to become an even better negotiator!
2019 Calendar - NEGO - Location: Paris
Tackling difficult subjects - Price: €1,480 excl.
Benefits of this training :
Mastering the steps to successfully conduct difficult interviews
Controlling the emotional dimension to make it less stressful and more productive
Develop your impact and charisma - Price: 1 480 € HT
Benefits of this training :
Communicate effectively on facts/opinions/emotions
To convey a clear and structured message to the audience
Deal with participants' reactions well: destabilising questions, aggression, etc.
Managing emotions in negotiation
Knowing how to transform obstacles into allies - Price: 1 480 € HT
Benefits of this training :
Transforming my emotions into allies in difficult times
Identify body language, one's own and that of the other, to adapt one's communication
Mental preparation of the negotiator
Reaching an optimal level of performance in negotiation - Price: 990 € HT
Benefits of this training :
- To be at your best on D-day, physically, intellectually and emotionally,
- Training to increase performance
- Being in tune with yourself to approach negotiations calmly ...
See also
the European Negotiation Centre, quoted in Le Point.
- 13 February 2024 2:43 pm-
Social negotiations: beware of the three false leads!
- 2 March 2021 8:19 am-