Conference on 27 February
Date : Thursday 27 February 2020 - 10:00 to 12:30 (followed by a cocktail)
Welcome from 9.30 am
Tariff : Free - By reservation only
Location: MARIOTT Champs Elysées - Paris
Metro 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt
Bus 73 : La Boétie - Champs-Elysées
Limited places
Application deadline: 23/02/2020
Understand the role that the negotiators' voice plays in the process and outcome of the negotiation
In negotiation, the voice is more than a vehicle for ideas. It is the very place of exchange. In this interactive conference, participants will discover the remarkable role of the voice in :
- Changing the emotional state of the different actors
- Mobilising and directing attention
- Demonstrate legitimacy, motivation and personal power
- Establish a relationship of trust and partnership, accompany the interlocutor
- Alternate between taking control of the exchange and letting the other person lead
- Breaking the deadlock of fixed positions by stimulating the imagination: inventing creative options
- Encouraging the development of a proposal
- Framing and finalising a commitment
- Managing the different phases of the negotiation and facilitating transitions
Participants will also experience the benefits of a vocal warm-up, an essential step in preparing for the relationship, aligning body momentum (relaxation and dyna- mism), mood, goal orientation... and getting ready for the negotiation journey.
Certified coach, expert in vocal techniques and oral communication at Talbrix, for 20 years. He accompanies his clients - executives, political figures, organisations - in their various oral communications and public speaking engagements to increase their influence and transform their ideas into action. He was also a professional classical singer and musicology researcher for 15 years.
See also
the European Negotiation Centre, quoted in Le Point.
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