Centre Européen de la Négociation - Negotiation Skills Training - Consulting & Coaching

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WEBINAR: Winning social negotiations that respect everyone's interests with the strategy of mutual gains

FRIDAY 12 MARCH from 11:00 to 11:45

The health crisis is causing an unprecedented economic crisis. To prevent this situation from degenerating into an uncontrolled social crisis, we invite you to participate in a webinar to identify other "barrier gestures": those that will be able to block the viruses of lies, posturing and rejection of the "other".

This webinar is aimed at all those who are involved in collective bargaining bodies in companies: staff representatives, trade unionists, human resources management, social relations management.

And as negotiation is a discipline that takes up 80% of any manager's time, anyone interested in the processes at work in a negotiation, a fortiori a social one, will be able to find out how to express his or her interests and discover those of others, by going beyond the masks of positions, postures and unsatisfactory compromises.


See also

the European Negotiation Centre, quoted in Le Point.

Social negotiations: beware of the three false leads!

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