The Centre Européen de la Négociation is a professional training organisation. These rules have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of articles L6352-1 to L6352-8 of the French Labour Code. They apply to all participants following a training course organised by the Centre Européen de la Négociation, located at 10 Rue de Penthièvre - Paris 8ème. Declaration of activity registered with the DIRECCTE Ile de France: N° 117 514 137 75 The provisions of these rules relate to :
- health and safety measures,
- disciplinary rules, in particular the nature and scale of penalties applicable to participants.
Each participant is deemed to have accepted the terms of these Rules and the measures that may be taken against him/her in the event of a breach thereof. The training will take place on premises outside the European Negotiation Centre or remotely by videoconference. All participants must comply with the terms of these Rules throughout the course.
Each participant must ensure their own personal safety and that of others by complying with the general and specific health and safety instructions in force at the training venue.
In accordance with Article R6352-1 of the French Labour Code, participants are required to comply with the health and safety measures laid down by the company hosting their training.
Article 1 - Accident
Any accident or incident occurring during or in connection with the course must be reported immediately to the Trainer by the participant involved in the accident or by any person who witnessed the accident.
Article 2 - Alcoholic beverages and drugs
It is forbidden for participants to enter or remain on the premises of the training venue in a state of intoxication, or to bring in alcoholic beverages or drugs.
Article 3 - No smoking
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the training rooms.
Article 4 - Fire instructions
Fire instructions and, in particular, a map showing the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits are posted in the training premises so that all participants are aware of them. Participants are required to carry out, without delay, the evacuation order given by the Trainer or an employee of the establishment hosting the training.
Article 5 - Attendance
Article 5.1 - Training times
Participants must respect the timetable.
Article 5.2 - Absences, late arrivals or early departures
Any delay must be justified to the Trainer or Training Manager responsible for the participant.
Absence / Early departure
Any absence must be reported as soon as possible to the European Negotiation Centre.
It is forbidden for any participant to leave the course without giving a reason and without first informing the Trainer.
Any foreseeable absence must be the subject of a written request submitted by the participant to his/her Training Manager.
Any absence, whether justified or unjustified, may be considered as a misconduct liable to sanctions.
Training break
Break times are set out in the training programmes or are left to the discretion of the Trainer. Apart from meal breaks, participants are required to remain on the premises.
Article 5.3 - Formalities attached to training follow-up
For each half-day, participants must sign an individual attendance sheet and, at the end of the course, complete the evaluation form (online or on paper) for the session attended.
Article 6 - Access to training venues
Unless expressly authorised by the European Trading Centre, the participant may not :
- enter or remain on the training premises for purposes other than training,
- facilitate the introduction of third parties to the organisation,
- sell goods or services.
Article 7 - Dress and behaviour
Participants must dress decently and behave correctly towards the Trainers, staff at the training venue, other participants and, in general, any person they may come across in the parts of the premises in which they are required to move.
All participants are asked to behave in a way that ensures respect for the environment:
- basic rules of etiquette,
- to know how to behave in a group (telephones and computers may only be used during breaks granted by the Consultant, the time dedicated to training must not be interrupted by requests from third parties),
- the smooth running of the course.
Article 8 - Use of equipment
Each participant is responsible for keeping the equipment in good condition. The equipment must only be used for its intended purpose and essentially for training purposes.
Any other use, in particular for personal purposes, is prohibited.
Article 9 - Educational documentation
The exclusively standard teaching documentation provided during training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be reused other than for strictly personal use.
personnel. Any reproduction in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, made outside the framework of training is prohibited without the consent of the author and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property. Distribution on the Internet is not authorised.
Article 10 - Recordings
It is strictly forbidden to record or film training sessions, unless expressly exempted.
Article 11 - Liability of the training organisation in the event of loss, theft or damage to participants' personal property
The Centre Européen de la Négociation accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or deterioration of personal objects of any kind left by the participant on the training premises.
Article 12 - Disciplinary measures
Any failure to comply with these Internal Rules, as well as any behaviour considered to be misconduct by the Management of the Centre Européen de La Négociation, may result in a penalty being imposed on the participant, in accordance with Articles R6352-3 to R6352-8 of the French Labour Code. This sanction will be taken in accordance with the procedure described in these Rules. Depending on the seriousness and nature of the misconduct, the participant may be subject to one of the following sanctions:
- warning,
- blame,
- temporary or permanent exclusion from the course.
Fines or other financial penalties are prohibited.
The Head of the Training Organisation or his/her representative will inform you of the penalty imposed:
- to the member's employer,
- and/or the training provider.
Article 13 - Disciplinary procedure
No penalty may be imposed on a participant without the latter being informed at the same time and in writing of the grievances against him.
When the Management of the European Negotiation Centre is considering taking a sanction which has an impact, immediate or otherwise, on the participant's attendance for the remainder of the course, it summons the member by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivery against receipt, indicating the purpose of the summons, the date, time and place of the interview, and the member's right to be assisted by a person of his choice during the interview.
During the interview, the reason for the envisaged sanction is indicated to the participant, whose explanations are sought.
The penalty may not be imposed less than one clear day or more than 15 days after the interview.
The participant will be notified in writing of the reasons for the decision, by recorded delivery or registered letter.
When an act considered to be wrongful has made it essential to take the precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect, no definitive sanction relating to this act may be taken without complying with the procedure provided for in the Code of Ethics.
article R.6352-4 and, where applicable, articles R.6352-5 and R.6352-6.
The management of the Centre Européen de la Négociation will inform the employer and the joint collecting body of the penalty imposed.
These Internal Rules are available to all participants on request.
A copy of these Internal Regulations is available on the premises of the European Negotiation Centre and on its website.